
Our properties are managed on our behalf by Leicester City Council and if you have any need for repairs or are having difficulty paying your rent you should contact these numbers.

Tenancy Agreement

Your tenancy agreement will be a 6 month Assured Short Hold Tenancy (AST)
Before the end of your tenancy we will discuss with you whether you wish to
continue to live there.
In most cases the AST can be extended.

Many of our tenants have been in the same property for over 5 years.

Tenancy Conditions

To remain in your home you need to make sure your rent is paid on time and look after the property as well as fulfilling the other tenancy conditions.

Homecome is a good landlord because

  • The standard of our homes are high
  • The rents of our homes are affordable
  • Problems are dealt with promptly
  • The tenancy will continue if you meet the tenancy conditions
Contact Details For Tenants
Repairs: Rent: General Enquiries:
0116 454 1007

To Order Your Information Pack Contact HomeCome: homecome@leicester.gov.uk

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